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Downtown 索诺玛, historic heart of 索诺玛县
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The best way to get better acquainted with the city of 索诺玛,在心中 索诺玛县是通过它的。 . And through its 酒, you’ll learn about the history, diverse culinary scene, 田园旅游业经验 and more—because 酒 is the common thread that runs through everything 在这里. 但这座城市提供的远不止这些. Whether your interests lie in gaining a better understanding of the area’s history, 沉醉在酒浸的下午, or exploring a diverse culinary terrain, 索诺玛能满足所有人的需求.


You can get a sense of 索诺玛’s past—just for good measure—at the tasting room of 三棒酒 at Adobe: It’s actually set inside the historic 1842 Vallejo-Casteñada adobe home, features artifacts like an 1800s horse stirrup, 精致的中国, 还有古董工具. (You can find a number of useful 索诺玛 maps 在这里.)附近的 Pangloss酒窖品酒廊, 与此同时, revels in a historic stone property built over a century ago, offering 酒 flights paired with bites like caviar, 女牛仔牛奶 crime frache,和酸豆饼干. 不要错过 巴塞洛缪纪念公园 附近,是 巴塞洛缪公园酒庄: Its on-site museum details the long history of 索诺玛 酒making since the park’s first villa was built in 1861, features a display of primitive agricultural tools.


The culinary scene in 索诺玛 far exceeds what anyone might expect from a town with a population hovering around 10,000. 拉海耶咖啡馆 is widely considered the best bet for dinner, serving expertly conceived dishes that showcase local product and make the most of an impeccable 酒 list. 游客们也纷纷涌向 女孩和无花果 for its duck confit and crispy chicken thighs, as well as the sun-dappled outdoor patio.

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Other great options on or near the plaza include Tasca Tasca, a 葡萄牙语 tapas spot that stays open late; Oso, which features bold flavors and an inventive young chef; and 黄金国厨房, a vibrant spot inside the El Dorado Hotel that offers a people-pleasing menu and a scenic outdoor space. 对于泡泡迷来说, 叹息香槟吧 showcases an amazing collection of sparklers; lovers of Pinot Noir should seek out 逗留酒窖, just off the southeast corner of the plaza.


Stroll along the char最小值g streets 在这里 and you’ll find an array of unique boutiques and artisanal shops. 购买可持续生产的奶酪 维拉奶酪公司, a 索诺玛 fixture since 1932; browse the work of local artists at galleries such as the 索诺玛艺术协会, Hipkiss画廊, 丽莎·克里斯汀画廊, 小巷画廊,或者找到完美的礼物 索诺玛市场 or 索诺玛基石. For shopping destinations located on or just off 索诺玛广场, see 这个页面.


A more immersive dive into 索诺玛’s past will be rewarding for history buffs or fans of Old West culture. In the mid-1800s, town of 索诺玛 was just a collection of ranchos, governed by 墨西哥. 尽管美国.S. government and the State of California took over the territory not too long after that, 你仍然可以感受到它的遗产. 小镇的中心, 索诺玛广场, is still anchored by the northernmost Franciscan mission in California—and it’s even the birthplace of the California State Bear Flag, created by Americans rebelling against Mexican rule.

Be sure to take one of the cool historic tours of still-standing monuments. For starters, explore the parish-turned-museum 旧金山索拉诺德索诺玛教会, 索诺玛 Barracks military post and cannon arsenal, the former home of Lieutenant Colonel Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, commander general of the Northern Alta California's frontier forces and founder of the town of 索诺玛.







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